Server's Schedule

Serving in July:

ELDERS                                                                        WORSHIP LEADERS

7-7 Martha Monroe and John D. Powell                       Lynn Roseman

7-14 Debbie Armstrong and Kevin Burdine                 Debbie Hardin

7-21 Anita Qualls and Sam Qualls                                Grace Cocanougher

7-28 Ann Morris and Paula Lear                                   Kevin Burdine 


7-7 John Helm, Rosemary Helm, Russ Ford, and Angie Powell

7-14 Jamie Burdine, Angie Powell, Abigail Short, and Nicole Short

7-21 Cassidy Cocanougher, Alyson Cocanougher, Rice Lear, and Jeff Montgomery

7-28 Jamie Burdine, Lauren Burdine, Abby Burdine, and Nicole Short


Ali Monroe