
Our morning worship follows a traditional Protestant order of worship and includes hymns, times of prayer, Scripture reading, and a sermon.  One hallmark of the Disciples of Christ denomination is that we celebrate the Lord's Supper each week.

Christian Education
There are multiple Sunday School classes for all ages. There are two men's classes, and two women's classes. There is also a youth group for young people over the age of 10. We also have a "Worship and Wonder" program which provides interactive hands-on biblical learning and exploration for children under the age of 10.

We have an adult choir, and a children's choir, both of which are directed by our choir director, Sue Sutton.

Shepherding Program
This new program focuses on community and care. Each member of the congregation is matched with a shepherd who is also a member of the congregation. The shepherd periodically checks in with his or her "sheep" to make sure everyone's needs are being met.

Outreach Program
Our outreach program is responsible for helping meet the needs of the community. We make regular donations to the Christian Life Center. We also host 'Last Saturday Sharing' during which time folks from Burgin and neighboring communities are invited to the church to have a free breakfast and receive items from our free Farmer's Market (during the Spring/Summer months) or our free Flea Market (during the winter and fall months).